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The Ultimate Paranormal Cozy Mystery E-book Bundle ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.6 (1450 ratings)

The Ultimate Paranormal Cozy Mystery E-book Bundle ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.6 (1450 ratings)

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Limited-time Special!

Grab these clean mysteries with a touch of magic now to travel with Tabby to the seaside town of Crystal Cove!

Get Books 1-7 of the Tabitha Chase Days of the Week Mysteries plus the bonus mystery Dead-end Weekend!


When I was a little girl, my Auntie Lizzie told me there were two ways to get to Crystal Cove, Oregon—over the mountains on the interstate or the way she arrived: on a broomstick across the skies.

As an eight-year-old, I’d wanted to believe her stories with everything in me despite the forewarnings of my pragmatic parents. Through the years, and after many real-world obstacles, I’d come to the understanding that those stories were only the fodder of elaborate make-believe, told by people who chose to focus on the imaginary instead of looking head-on at their real-life problems. My learning had become complete a month ago when Aunt Lizzie left a note for her sister, my mom, and then jumped off Crystal Falls to her death.

Crystal Cove used to hold awe and mystique like Disneyland, but as I descended the 101 out of the Calapooya Mountains through rain so slick I could barely see the front of my car, going to take care of some postmortem details, I decided the last tiny part of me that believed in magic had officially died with my aunt.

My windshield wipers squeaked at regular intervals, and my old Honda smelled awful with exhaust, having worked harder than she had in a long time to get up and through the mountain passes. My hands were white-knuckle-locked onto my steering wheel, and I’d been squinting at the road in front of me for almost three hours. This road demanded a lot more than autopilot, but I jumped in my seat when my phone rang through the Bluetooth, letting me know I’d better clue back in.

I fumbled over my phone, not looking away from the road for even a second, and answered, “Hi, Dad. I’m almost there.”

The pause that followed made me glance down at my phone screen for one quick heartbeat. Shoot. I’d done it again. It wasn’t my dad, who knew all about my trip to Crystal Cove and had pretty much forced it upon me. Nope. It was my boss, Brendan Reiger, who had yet to hear about my impromptu trip and who I had planned to explain it to much more delicately as soon as I had the chance.

“Almost . . . where, Tabitha?” Brendan said through my car’s speakers. He had a deep, almost ominous voice. All the realtors in our Portland office thought it was the authority that came with that kind of voice that helped him make so many quick sales. We joked about how his prospective clients were likely scared for their lives if they didn’t sign on the dotted line exactly when he told them to. His voice sounded even deeper tonight, which made me momentarily forget my strategic wording and blurt out the truth.

“Oh, yes, well, I just had to take a quick trip down the coast. I, um, I had a death in the family.” I hoped he wouldn’t ask how recent the death was. I suspected if I had to explain that Aunt Lizzie died almost a month ago, he’d lack the bit of sympathy I had hoped to garner from my tough-as-nails boss.

Instead, he said, “Oh. Who died?”

I blinked hard, trying to split my attention between the rain-soaked road and this phone call. I really should have pulled over—if only I could see the shoulder. “It was my Aunt Lizzie.” My voice came out more full of drama than I intended, which only made Brendan pry more.

“Right. Were you close, then?”

I couldn’t, in good conscience, say yes. I hadn’t seen my aunt in years. But instead I searched for something that might seem like the affirmative. “She was my mom’s little sister.” Again with the drama, Tabby? Take some acting lessons already!

“And you’ll be back tomorrow? We have that showing in Stafford and I hoped I could count on you for putting up signage.”

Putting up signage. Was that what my job had become? I’d been giving the Portland real estate market all I had for the past three years. I spent late nights and early mornings drafting market reports, researching amenities, and perfecting my staging skills. At every turn, Brendan suggested I’d be his next superstar realtor, but then he’d saddle me with staging rundown townhouses, blowing up balloons for open houses, and now putting up signage.

“Um, it’s a long drive,” I said as I passed a weathered wooden sign with faded paint boasting: WELCOME TO CRYSTAL COVE. The road was shrouded with trees on either side, and my GPS showed a few miles yet before I’d reach the town center and then the marina. There were no streetlights out this far, and I continued to squint to see through the rain as I mentally berated myself for picking up the call. “So I probably won’t make it back by tomorrow.”

“By Tuesday then.” It didn’t sound like a question. When I didn’t say anything right away, he went on. “Our office has been talking to a client from Forest Park. I think they’re ready to list, and wouldn’t that be the perfect neighborhood for your first solo listing? Wouldn’t that make your dad proud?”

My heart rate sped up, both from the idea of my own listing, in Forest Park no less, and from the idea of my father being proud. He was a state senator, and with his endless connections, he’d offered to get me a job with a local realtor as soon as I’d passed the exam, but I’d refused, wanting to prove myself and make my own way in the real estate world. More than once, I’d regretted that quick decision, but now I slowly let a breath seep out of me. Maybe it was time to finally see some fruits from my labor.

I’d barely let out my breath when an obstruction in the middle of the road made me slam on my brakes. I shrieked as the form of a woman came into view. She was lying right in the middle of the rain-soaked road.

“Tabitha?” Brendan asked. “I can count on you to be back on Tuesday, right?”

“I—uh—I have to go.” I couldn’t tune into Brendan’s reply as I slammed my car into PARK, grabbed for my phone, and got out of my car. I left it running, with the windshield wipers working furiously to keep up with the rain and the headlights aimed toward the woman. As I moved closer and pulled the hood of my jacket up over my head, she appeared dead—face up but with one of her jean-clad legs out at an odd angle—spread almost to the splits and bent upward at the knee, which was clearly broken. The odd angles of this woman’s body in the midst of the brutal storm with the narrow lighting of my headlights made me momentarily see the situation as a meticulously planned horror movie. I blinked and then shook my head, reminding myself this was real.

“Hello? Hello? Are you okay?” I called. My heart rate ratcheted up as I moved closer and looked into her unblinking eyes. She had striking features—red full lips and thick eyelashes. She looked so alive. My phone was still in my hand, getting soaked, so I tucked it under my jacket and dialed 911.

A second later, a woman answered. “911. What is your emergency?”

“There’s a woman. In the middle of the road. I don’t think she’s breathing.”

The operator asked me for my location, and I tried to think as I bent closer to the woman. She wore a bright yellow poncho that looked hand-knit. It immediately made me wonder who had knit it for her—who would be devastated by the news of her passing. “Um. Off highway 101. Just past the welcome sign to Crystal Cove.”

I reached for the woman’s wrist as the operator confirmed my location. Fresh out of college, I’d attempted a short career as a personal trainer. I’d taken a fitness first aid course, but it felt like a million years ago. Still, training or no training, I knew not finding a pulse was bad news. I explained this to the operator. She instructed me to wait where I was and an emergency vehicle would arrive as soon as possible. After hanging up, I reached for the woman’s neck. She was still warm, but I couldn’t find a pulse there either. When I pulled my hand away, it was covered in rain mixed with blood.

The metallic scent hit my nose and I gagged. I’d never been great with the sight or smell of blood, and in an instant, I was up and backed against the hood of my car, trying to keep my dinner from three hours ago down in my stomach where it belonged. I kept my eyes from my bloodied hand for long enough that I could catch my breath and hoped the rain would wash the bulk of the blood off before I had to look at it. But the sky chose this moment to close up and stop its torrential downpour.

“Great, the one time I actually want the rain,” I murmured toward the sky. My windshield wipers squeaked against the drying glass as I moved back toward my driver’s door and found a napkin in the door storage with my left hand while holding my right hand as far as possible away from my nose. I flicked off the wipers, then I held my breath as I wiped off the blood and looked around for somewhere I could dispose of the dirtied napkin.

Never usually one to litter, I couldn’t help myself tonight. I tossed it into the roadside bushes. The metallic smell was still playing awful tricks on my stomach. I bent to douse my hand in a nearby puddle as sirens sounded in the distance. My headlights caught something blue and gleaming right beside the puddle.

I picked up what I’d thought was a shiny rock, but it looked more like a tiny jewel once I had it in my hand. I studied the jagged surface. It was smaller than my pinkie nail and probably wasn’t worth anything, but it seemed like glass, maybe that sea glass my aunt used to tell me about, and so I tucked it into my jacket pocket and stood as the sirens grew louder and I tried to collect myself.

I walked a wide circle around the woman on the ground, taking note of any details that might be helpful for the ambulance upon its arrival. On her front side, the woman appeared soaked from the rain but otherwise unmarked. Her hair was a strawberry blonde, less red than mine but still red enough to make out the hue even while soaking wet and lit only by my headlights. Now that the rain had subsided, the blood on her neck was visible. Her eyes remained eerily open, looking up at the sky as though she might be waiting to be taken up to heaven.


Want to read on? Get this complete series bundle now for 50% off the regular price!

What readers are saying...

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The best series I have ever read!” – Amazon Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “If you like your magic mixed with mystery AND romance, you will love this little series! Akin to "Murder She Wrote" mysteries.” – Amazon Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The story is well written and easy to read with an intriguing cast of characters. The plot is solid and all the different issues keep things moving at a good pace. Overall, was an excellent story and I definitely look forward to reading more in this series. Highly recommended.” – Amazon Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I fell in love with Tabby, Sherlock and her quaint town and its quirky characters from the moment I read the first book. I feel like Tabby has become part of my family.” – Amazon Reviewer

Main Tropes

  • Small seaside town with magic and mystery
  • Spectacled and intuitive sleuthing cat
  • Plenty of twists and red herrings


Strong friendships and a crime-solving spectacled cat will keep you laughing out loud and turning the pages in these new whodunits. With plenty of plot twists and turns and suspense, you'll feel like you're spending time with old friends as these characters tug at your heart strings.

Try the scrumptious recipes! You'll be cooking right alongside Tabby and Sherlock. Snuggle up with a warm blanket and enjoy a little paw-on help in solving these small-town murder mysteries today!

Witchy Wednesday Chapter 1 Look Inside

When I was a little girl, my Auntie Lizzie told me there were two ways to get to Crystal Cove, Oregon—over the mountains on the interstate or the way she arrived: on a broomstick across the skies.

As an eight-year-old, I’d wanted to believe her stories with everything in me despite the forewarnings of my pragmatic parents. Through the years, and after many real-world obstacles, I’d come to the understanding that those stories were only the fodder of elaborate make-believe, told by people who chose to focus on the imaginary instead of looking head-on at their real-life problems. My learning had become complete a month ago when Aunt Lizzie left a note for her sister, my mom, and then jumped off Crystal Falls to her death.

Crystal Cove used to hold awe and mystique like Disneyland, but as I descended the 101 out of the Calapooya Mountains through rain so slick I could barely see the front of my car, going to take care of some postmortem details, I decided the last tiny part of me that believed in magic had officially died with my aunt.

My windshield wipers squeaked at regular intervals, and my old Honda smelled awful with exhaust, having worked harder than she had in a long time to get up and through the mountain passes. My hands were white-knuckle-locked onto my steering wheel, and I’d been squinting at the road in front of me for almost three hours. This road demanded a lot more than autopilot, but I jumped in my seat when my phone rang through the Bluetooth, letting me know I’d better clue back in.

I fumbled over my phone, not looking away from the road for even a second, and answered, “Hi, Dad. I’m almost there.”

The pause that followed made me glance down at my phone screen for one quick heartbeat. Shoot. I’d done it again. It wasn’t my dad, who knew all about my trip to Crystal Cove and had pretty much forced it upon me. Nope. It was my boss, Brendan Reiger, who had yet to hear about my impromptu trip and who I had planned to explain it to much more delicately as soon as I had the chance.

“Almost . . . where, Tabitha?” Brendan said through my car’s speakers. He had a deep, almost ominous voice. All the realtors in our Portland office thought it was the authority that came with that kind of voice that helped him make so many quick sales. We joked about how his prospective clients were likely scared for their lives if they didn’t sign on the dotted line exactly when he told them to. His voice sounded even deeper tonight, which made me momentarily forget my strategic wording and blurt out the truth.

“Oh, yes, well, I just had to take a quick trip down the coast. I, um, I had a death in the family.” I hoped he wouldn’t ask how recent the death was. I suspected if I had to explain that Aunt Lizzie died almost a month ago, he’d lack the bit of sympathy I had hoped to garner from my tough-as-nails boss.

Instead, he said, “Oh. Who died?”

I blinked hard, trying to split my attention between the rain-soaked road and this phone call. I really should have pulled over—if only I could see the shoulder. “It was my Aunt Lizzie.” My voice came out more full of drama than I intended, which only made Brendan pry more.

“Right. Were you close, then?”

I couldn’t, in good conscience, say yes. I hadn’t seen my aunt in years. But instead I searched for something that might seem like the affirmative. “She was my mom’s little sister.” Again with the drama, Tabby? Take some acting lessons already!

“And you’ll be back tomorrow? We have that showing in Stafford and I hoped I could count on you for putting up signage.”

Putting up signage. Was that what my job had become? I’d been giving the Portland real estate market all I had for the past three years. I spent late nights and early mornings drafting market reports, researching amenities, and perfecting my staging skills. At every turn, Brendan suggested I’d be his next superstar realtor, but then he’d saddle me with staging rundown townhouses, blowing up balloons for open houses, and now putting up signage.

“Um, it’s a long drive,” I said as I passed a weathered wooden sign with faded paint boasting: WELCOME TO CRYSTAL COVE. The road was shrouded with trees on either side, and my GPS showed a few miles yet before I’d reach the town center and then the marina. There were no streetlights out this far, and I continued to squint to see through the rain as I mentally berated myself for picking up the call. “So I probably won’t make it back by tomorrow.”

“By Tuesday then.” It didn’t sound like a question. When I didn’t say anything right away, he went on. “Our office has been talking to a client from Forest Park. I think they’re ready to list, and wouldn’t that be the perfect neighborhood for your first solo listing? Wouldn’t that make your dad proud?”

My heart rate sped up, both from the idea of my own listing, in Forest Park no less, and from the idea of my father being proud. He was a state senator, and with his endless connections, he’d offered to get me a job with a local realtor as soon as I’d passed the exam, but I’d refused, wanting to prove myself and make my own way in the real estate world. More than once, I’d regretted that quick decision, but now I slowly let a breath seep out of me. Maybe it was time to finally see some fruits from my labor.

I’d barely let out my breath when an obstruction in the middle of the road made me slam on my brakes. I shrieked as the form of a woman came into view. She was lying right in the middle of the rain-soaked road.

“Tabitha?” Brendan asked. “I can count on you to be back on Tuesday, right?”

“I—uh—I have to go.” I couldn’t tune into Brendan’s reply as I slammed my car into PARK, grabbed for my phone, and got out of my car. I left it running, with the windshield wipers working furiously to keep up with the rain and the headlights aimed toward the woman. As I moved closer and pulled the hood of my jacket up over my head, she appeared dead—face up but with one of her jean-clad legs out at an odd angle—spread almost to the splits and bent upward at the knee, which was clearly broken. The odd angles of this woman’s body in the midst of the brutal storm with the narrow lighting of my headlights made me momentarily see the situation as a meticulously planned horror movie. I blinked and then shook my head, reminding myself this was real.

“Hello? Hello? Are you okay?” I called. My heart rate ratcheted up as I moved closer and looked into her unblinking eyes. She had striking features—red full lips and thick eyelashes. She looked so alive. My phone was still in my hand, getting soaked, so I tucked it under my jacket and dialed 911.

A second later, a woman answered. “911. What is your emergency?”

“There’s a woman. In the middle of the road. I don’t think she’s breathing.”

The operator asked me for my location, and I tried to think as I bent closer to the woman. She wore a bright yellow poncho that looked hand-knit. It immediately made me wonder who had knit it for her—who would be devastated by the news of her passing. “Um. Off highway 101. Just past the welcome sign to Crystal Cove.”

I reached for the woman’s wrist as the operator confirmed my location. Fresh out of college, I’d attempted a short career as a personal trainer. I’d taken a fitness first aid course, but it felt like a million years ago. Still, training or no training, I knew not finding a pulse was bad news. I explained this to the operator. She instructed me to wait where I was and an emergency vehicle would arrive as soon as possible. After hanging up, I reached for the woman’s neck. She was still warm, but I couldn’t find a pulse there either. When I pulled my hand away, it was covered in rain mixed with blood.

The metallic scent hit my nose and I gagged. I’d never been great with the sight or smell of blood, and in an instant, I was up and backed against the hood of my car, trying to keep my dinner from three hours ago down in my stomach where it belonged. I kept my eyes from my bloodied hand for long enough that I could catch my breath and hoped the rain would wash the bulk of the blood off before I had to look at it. But the sky chose this moment to close up and stop its torrential downpour.

“Great, the one time I actually want the rain,” I murmured toward the sky. My windshield wipers squeaked against the drying glass as I moved back toward my driver’s door and found a napkin in the door storage with my left hand while holding my right hand as far as possible away from my nose. I flicked off the wipers, then I held my breath as I wiped off the blood and looked around for somewhere I could dispose of the dirtied napkin.

Never usually one to litter, I couldn’t help myself tonight. I tossed it into the roadside bushes. The metallic smell was still playing awful tricks on my stomach. I bent to douse my hand in a nearby puddle as sirens sounded in the distance. My headlights caught something blue and gleaming right beside the puddle.

I picked up what I’d thought was a shiny rock, but it looked more like a tiny jewel once I had it in my hand. I studied the jagged surface. It was smaller than my pinkie nail and probably wasn’t worth anything, but it seemed like glass, maybe that sea glass my aunt used to tell me about, and so I tucked it into my jacket pocket and stood as the sirens grew louder and I tried to collect myself.

I walked a wide circle around the woman on the ground, taking note of any details that might be helpful for the ambulance upon its arrival. On her front side, the woman appeared soaked from the rain but otherwise unmarked. Her hair was a strawberry blonde, less red than mine but still red enough to make out the hue even while soaking wet and lit only by my headlights. Now that the rain had subsided, the blood on her neck was visible. Her eyes remained eerily open, looking up at the sky as though she might be waiting to be taken up to heaven.

A firetruck arrived on scene first. It parked at an angle, blocking half the road, and two burly firemen emerged from the front doors.

A third fireman came around from the back of the truck and headed straight for me. “Are you all right? What happened here? Are you injured?”

“No, I’m fine. I didn’t hit the woman. She was like this when I arrived.” I’d been leaning over to see if I could find anything else of this woman’s injuries, but as the fireman moved between me and the woman, I didn’t hesitate to take several large steps back.

One of the other firemen quickly set up a large work light, illuminating several feet in all directions of the woman.

“And your name?” the first fireman asked me. He had a square jaw and was clean-shaven, unlike his two coworkers.

“Tabitha . . .” I hesitated, as my father had drilled into me about a thousand times to keep the Chase name as quiet as possible on this trip. But the fireman kept staring at me, a pen poised over his notepad, so I had no choice but to add, “Chase. Tabitha Chase.”

Before the fireman could ask me anything more, a dark sedan with blue and red flashing lights and its siren screaming whipped around the corner and parked sideways, blocking the road behind my car. The firetruck blocked most of the road in the other direction, which left all five of us, plus the woman’s body, in a small cocoon of space.

A man in a suit, I guessed him to be a detective, emerged from the dark sedan, came around my car, and set his dark eyes squarely on the unshaven fireman. “Tell me what we’ve got here, Tucker.” It sounded more like an order than a question.

“Just arrived on scene, sir.”

“Looks like posterior injuries,” one of the bearded firemen called out from where he was bent near the woman.

“She’s bleeding on the back of her neck,” I volunteered helpfully.

The detective’s head snapped toward me. “Did you move this woman?”

I shook my head. “No, of course not. I just checked for a pulse.”

The detective’s brow furrowed, like he wasn’t sure he believed me. He also reached to check for a pulse but on her wrist. “Is this the exact placement the woman fell to?” He stood again and loomed over me.

“I—I guess so.”

His eyes drilled into me, waiting for more. “Did you move her legs?”

“No! I mean, I just found her like this.”

Again with the furrowed brow. “You didn’t hit her with your vehicle?”

“No, she was already here,” I said again.

“No pulse. Posterior trauma,” the clean-shaven fireman said, still making notes. “Mick should be here soon.”

The detective nodded and yelled at one of the bearded firemen, who was tilting up the woman’s body to have a look at her back. “Are you kidding me, Johnson? Don’t move her!” He turned back to the clean-shaven fireman—Tucker—who seemed to be in charge of the firetruck contingent. “She was struck down?” He flipped open his own notebook and started scribbling notes before Tucker had started to answer.

“Well, no, Tom.” I found it interesting that the bully of a detective seemed to bark at everyone by their last names, and yet this Fireman Tucker called the detective Tom. “Or I don’t know. No pulse, only posterior injuries. But this lady, Tabitha Chase, says she was like this when she arrived.” Tucker motioned to me, and the detective turned and set eyes solidly on me for the first time. Or, at least, he set eyes on my brown leather boots. It took about three long seconds for his eyes to travel up the rest of me to my face.

I was an awful mess—soaked through my brown wool coat and even through my sweater. My normally orangey-red hair felt slick against my forehead, and I most certainly didn’t feel like being ogled. “Yes, she was like this when I found her,” I said for the third time, almost feeling doubt in myself for all the skeptical looks being thrown my way. “It was raining like crazy. I’m just glad I saw her in time to stop and call 911.”

“In time?” Tom the detective raised his dark eyebrows at me.

I swallowed, the seriousness of the situation hitting me anew. Because I hadn’t seen the woman in time. “I meant in time to stop. So I didn’t run over her.” My voice dropped, and I bowed my head, belatedly trying to show some respect.

“You got an identity yet?” Tom the detective barked toward the three firemen. He didn’t wait for an answer and moved closer to the woman. “Ah. The Doerksen woman. Another one of those witches.”

My head snapped up. “Witches?” I couldn’t help but ask. My aunt had told fortunes for a living, so it wasn’t as if I was completely unfamiliar with the word. It just seemed so strange, hearing it out of the all-business detective’s mouth.

Tom snapped his look back to me. “Do you know this woman?”

I shook my head without looking at her. “I’m not even from here.”

“So you’ve never met Maple May Doerksen?” Tom asked again. Why didn’t anyone in this town believe me? It wasn’t as though I was the one who’d been a fortune-teller in this town for over twenty years, charging people money to make up stories for them!

“I’ve never met Maple May Doerksen,” I said, deadpan.

Before Tom the detective could question me further, a light-colored sedan arrived. It parked in the small gap of road left unoccupied by the firetruck and the detective’s sedan, and that’s when I noticed the lineup of lights down the road in the darkness. Traffic, it seemed, had accumulated, but unlike in the city where people would be honking their horns by now, people had gotten out of their vehicles and stood in a group at a distance, whispering about the scene in front of them.

The man in the light sedan was the “Mick” they had been waiting for. Mick wore a white lab coat and studied the body on the road while the detective stood nearby, updating him with everything he’d heard from me and Fireman Tucker.

It seemed as though everyone had forgotten about me. When I shivered again from the cold seeping through to my skin, I sidled up beside the bearded fireman who had returned to his truck. “Excuse me? Do you think it’s all right if I go now?”

He took one glance over my shoulder at my car. “Don’t think you’d be able to, even if it was okay.”

I turned and saw what he meant. Not only was my car blocked by the detective’s sedan, but now there were a half dozen vehicles lined up behind that.

I nodded my thanks and headed back to my car. The engine was still running, burning a lot of gas, and my headlights were still on. I got into my driver’s seat, turned off my headlights, and cranked up my heat. The firemen had set up three portable lights by this time, so I didn’t think the absence of my headlights would make any difference, but the moment they flicked off, Tom’s gaze snapped to my car and he marched straight over.

I unrolled my window as he said, “Where do you think you’re going?”

I clearly wasn’t going anywhere, but his tone made me angry. “I’m warming up! I’m soaked right through all my clothes, and you gave me no idea how long I might be here, so I had no choice but to take care of myself.”

Tom the detective nodded. “Take care of yourself.” Again, his words made me feel like I was responsible for this horrible accident. He didn’t stay to accuse me of anything outright, though. Instead, he strode to the front of my car, squatted, and started studying it with a flashlight.

This guy was too much.

Cold or not, I buttoned up my coat and got out of my car. I stomped around to the front. “Look, I told you I didn’t hit that lady with my car. I’ve told you and your firemen three times, and I have no idea why you keep—”

He stood and got right in my face. “Well, if you didn’t run into Maple May, why is there blood on your hood? Would you like to tell me that?” He shone the flashlight at my light blue Honda Civic, and sure enough, there was a streak of dark red across the front edge of the hood. “I’ll bet you a million dollars if we test it, it’ll match up with Maple May’s blood.”

My mind scrambled for an answer as I burned with anger. Had I hit the woman and knocked my head and forgotten the whole thing? Was I completely delusional? But then my answer burst out of my mouth the second it came to me. “That was from me! My hand.” Tom tried to interrupt, but I didn’t let him. “I’d tried to take the woman’s pulse . . . while I was on the line with 911. My hand got blood on it, and I wiped it—”

“You wiped it on your car?” He raised an unbelieving eyebrow at me.

I waved toward the bushes. “No, Tom.” If he was going to talk to me like I was stupid, I was determined to do the same right back to him. “I wiped it on a napkin, but I guess I got some on my car. Yes, it will match that woman’s blood, but no, I absolutely did not hit her with my car!”

Tom took his flashlight toward the bushes. When he located the offending napkin, he pulled out a small plastic Ziploc with the word “Evidence” emblazoned on the side. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. After all, if these people still chose to believe I had hit the woman with my car, I didn’t have a lot of ways to prove otherwise.

After that, Tom took a swab of “evidence” from the front hood of my car. He turned to me when he was done. “I’ll need your driver’s license and registration, please, ma’am.” I bent into my car to retrieve them but not before he spoke his next words to me. “And I’d also love an explanation for why you think it’s appropriate to call me Tom.”

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Books Included in this Bundle:

  • Book 1 - Witchy Wednesday
  • Book 2 - Thrilling Thursday
  • Book 3 - Frightful Friday
  • Book 4 - Slippery Saturday
  • Book 5 - Sinister Sunday
  • Book 6 - Morbid Monday
  • Book 7 - Tragic Tuesday
  • Standalone Companion Mystery - Dead-end Weekend
View full details
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    "This has easily become my favorite mystery series. The stories are engaging, the characters are well written and Sherlock the Cat is THE BEST side kick anyone could ask for. I absolutely love everything about this series. If you love mysteries, you have to read this." - Amazon Reviewer

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    "I've read all of this series and can't wait for the rest. Light, enjoyable reads with interesting characters." - Amazon Reviewer

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    "I am a cozy mystery lover and this series did not disappoint. I loved the characters, loved the storyline and felt very soon like they were all old friends. Take a chance on this series. You won’t be disappointed!"